
Death note rules can you use a person to kill someone
Death note rules can you use a person to kill someone

death note rules can you use a person to kill someone

The covers are black and made of some leathery material.If you wrote on either cover of the Death Note, would it still work?.So how would it interpret 'natural causes', given that their death wouldn't be natural since I killed them? Okay, so if I put 'dies of natural causes on the 21st January at 20.45' (let's assume that date is within the 23 days from now), how would it interpret that? I specified the time and date of death, and the circumstances can hardly be considered impossible since people die of natural causes all the time.The circumstances are impossible and you didn't specify time of death. (I don't really get the 23-day rule, so that might rule this one out - can somebody explain it if it does? Is it just that it won't take effect if you specify time of death as over 23 days after writing?) What would happen if you wrote 'dies of natural causes at any time after the next week'? After all, the Death Note-inflicted death isn't natural, and since you haven't specified a time, would it default to your original natural death? Accidental death doesn't seem like a natural cause either, so presumably it would have to be old age or something like that.So what if Light writes into the Note that Raye Penbar will carry out every instruction given to him by "stranger who claims to be Kira and speaks to him through the earbud," and then, when Raye gets into position and wears the earbud, give him impossible-to-fulfill instructions such as get to Eiffel Tower in 1 hour? Would Penbar drop dead (heart attack) after hearing the impossible instruction, or would he drop dead 40 seconds after Light finish Raye's segment and thus never showing up at the train station? If it's the latter, is the Death Note universe predeterministic? The Death Note defaults any improbable cause of death (or actions taken before death) to a nondescript heart attack, without the victim carrying out ANY action at all, the mundane ones included, even when ONE improbable component is present.

Death note rules can you use a person to kill someone