Of-course, you can also specify the location wherever you want to save the project by hitting the browse button. If you are using windows, it may be stored in “C:/Users/username/MPLABXProjects/”. In my case, the project is saved in “/home/anish/MPLABXProjects/”. Also, note the directory where the project is saved, as this would be helpful in extracting the. The next step prompts you to save your project. Select the appropriate compiler and proceed. Here, I selected the HI-TECH C compiler to use with the project. In MPLAB, you can select different compilers for different projects.

The next and the important step is to select the compiler to be used to compile this project from the list of installed compilers. You will find two such beads in the hardware category (One is for debugger support and other is for programmer support). (Red – no compatibility, Green – Fully compatible and yellow – The device may work). The color beads before the tools indicates the tool’s compatibility with the microcontroller you have selected. Since I don’t have any of the microchip’s tools, I selected the simulator. Select the appropriate tool if you have one.

Proceed by clicking next and in the next step of your wizard, it prompts for the selection of the tool you are going to use to connect the MCU to the computer. In our case is is given as Family: Mid range 8 bit MCUs and the device: PIC16F84A as shown in the below picture. The next phase of the wizard asks you to select the family of your PIC and also the device name. Select the category as Microchip Embedded and Project as standalone project. Here you have to select the category and type of the project. The new project wizard will appear as shown below which will guide you through the process of setting up a new project.